We play a leadingrole in promotingthe activities of womenin rural Ghana
Founded on the belief that when progressive and genuine attention is dedicated to supporting women, it can awaken and release human potential in profound and unique ways.
We seek to promote sustainable and dignifying economic opportunities, entrepreneurship, quality education, quality health care and nutrition, sexual and reproductive health and rights among women in deprived communities.
Dedicated to supporting women

Women are key players
We further hold the view that women are key players in the development of any nation therefore it is very important we focus our energies towards developing their competencies, empowering, and amplifying them. This, the Foundation believes when done, will contribute immensely towards the development of women, the nation and the world as a whole.

Our Mission
To promote sustainable and dignifying economic opportunities, entrepreneurship, quality education, quality health care and nutrition, sexual and reproductive health and rights among women in deprived communities.
Our Vision
To become the leading organization that seeks the welfare of women in deprived communities by providing them with the requisite support needed to make them self-sufficient.
Our Commitment
We are committed to the holistic development of women in deprived communities devoid of any kind of prejudice.
What makes us diferent?
We are committed to promoting equal opportunities for women and creating a level playing field where women can thrive.
We focus on empowering women to realize their full potential and achieve their goals, whether in the workplace, the community, or the home.
We have a willingness to be transparent and accountable to the women we serve, our partners, and the broader community.